Today is my favorite holiday. What is today you might ask? Well it's the first ever National Food Day. Food Day is a celebration of food in America. However not all food should be celebrated. There's plenty of foods that should be left off the guest list for this party. Some examples include:
*Fast Food
*Chicken Wings
*Nacho Cheese
And the list goes on.....
To me, Food Day is a celebration of the progress we've begun to make in our country changing our food systems and food culture. Food Day celebrates the small local, organic farms. It celebrates the parents that cook healthy, homemade meals nightly. It celebrates anyone who is or wants to change the way we eat and where our food comes from.
Today at my school we celebrated Food Day by offering a 100% local, fresh, and homemade hot lunch. After weeks of menu planning and coordinating this special meal finally happened and was a great success! Not only did more kids buy school lunch, but more food disappeared from their plates too!
Of course being a foodie myself I wasn't going to pass up a local meal. I had a great time eating my beef, barley, and veggie soup while gabbing about Halloween costumes with my 2nd grade buddies. Here's a goofy picture one of the little girls took of me.
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