Today I’ve come to realize that I’m one lucky duck.
The past three weeks I’ve really begun to dive into my Farm-to-School program. Childhood nutrition is a key component to this program. Fresh, local, and organic foods provide children with the nutrients they need to grow up healthy, happy, and free from diabetes and obesity. Unfortunately, most of our society prefers packaged, processed, convenient foods chalk full of chemicals, preservatives, and other harmful additives. Families eat on-the-go instead of eating together at a dinner table. Cooking has been replaced by drive thru’s and microwaves. Kids are getting fatter and sicker each day.
Why I am so lucky again?
I’m lucky because I have been fortune enough to have parents that broke me from the dangerous food cycle I see so many kids and young adults becoming part of. I’m lucky enough to have a mom that always plants a garden in our backyard. I’m lucky that she didn't work while I was growing up. I'm lucky she cooked fresh, healthy meals for my sister and I every day. I’m lucky my dad has a great job so my mom could stay at home and do those things. I’m lucky that fast food was/is a rarity in our house. I’m lucky that my family used our dinner table for meals rather than another place to put junk. I’m lucky my parents never bought me a Nintendo (as much as I wanted one). I’m lucky that I learned the value of nature and being outdoors at a young age. Finally, I’m lucky I had parents that truly saw the value in everything I just mentioned.
I know you’re reading this Mom and Dad and I want to thank you. You’ve taught me skills and values about food, nutrition, and health that will last my lifetime. You’ve probably saved me from numerous health problems when I get older like heart disease, obesity, and diabetes. It’s because of you I’m participating in this Farm-to-School program so I can help instill the same healthy eating habits you did for me in kids today and I’m extremely lucky to have that opportunity.
Here’s to my Mom and Dad and all other parents like them! Love you both!
Love you, miss you